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Help with Myspace proxies!?

i would like to access myspace at school during my free block. i dont care about gettin in trouble and getting kicked out. I just want to upload a picture but most of the proxies listed are blocked by the school. Please Help!!!


Most fire extinguishers now are dry chemical, it would only contaminate the wound. A CO2 extinguisher would partially freeze the wound and could, in theory, slow the bleeding, but then it would warm up and you'd have a bleeding wound that now has frostbite. Direct pressure, and a tourniquet if all else fails will take care of a bad wound.
I use it with an app called egg timer to time my looseleaf tea before I strain it. I steep my tea no more than about three minutes and I drink a lot of tea. At work it is useful.
yeh sounds like it will workalso, if the patient is really in pain you could conk them on the head and knock them out til help arrives.

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