How can I access parental controls on my mac?
I know another method. In run command window type control panel Without quotes to open it.
In my old house, we had the same problem. Our fire alarms would go off for the littlest of things. Most fire alarms have some sort of adjuster on them that determines the sensitvity of the alarm. I would try looking for one on your alarms and lowering it so it doesn't go off when there is a storm.
At two, its around the time to be putting your child in time out. I guess every parent has different ways of disciplining their child, but I would reccommend saying, Next time you do that, it's timeout for you! Then, when she does it again, either in her place her in her crib for a minute or so, or her high chair. Also saying no and in a tone that means business may help.(Unless of course you have tried that already) If you dont want to discipline your child, or these suggestions dont help, I'd say hang up her clothing. Hope this helps!
assuming that u have installed windows on C drive. If ur having a explorer window open then use the address bar to go to control panel. If even thats not open then u can go to c:windowssystem on a windows 98/ME machine or to c:windowssystem32 folder on a Win 2k/XP/2003 machine to access individual programs contributing the control panel. All control panel items are exe or msc files there
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del, the windows task manager appears. Click File, select New Task (Run) and the Create New Task dialog box appears. Write control panel in the white text box of the dialog box and click open. The control panel will open.