What is the cheapest , most practical and affordable material ?
I wear a full face helmet, clear visor, and prescription sunglasses. Also I carry a pair of clip on sunglasses. When I am riding into a rising or setting sun, my sunglasses do not provide enough protection. So I put the clip ons over the sunglasses for additional eye protection. Vast majority I ride with the visor open. I ride an 1800 Goldwing. Good Luck
Depends on your play-style and whether or not you like the weapon. Dark Souls is a game where it's best to pick a fighting style you like and stick with it, then choose a weapon that best suits you. By knight protecting the fire keepers soul I'm assuming you're talking about a black knight; the Black Knight Sword is one of the best greatswords in the game against NPCs and can last until the final boss if you're a greatsword-user, but if you have the Black Knight Greatsword, then I suggest keeping it as just an extra weapon in case of emergencies against big enemies unless you're unfamiliar with how to fight using ultra greatswords.
You can try RealVNC but this is not quite easy-to-use. Or try LanHelper, a network management software.