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it saves if you turn down your heat scene you don't have a wood stove you still have to turn your heat down and the fire place keeps the house nice and warm
If your willing to pay the price, you can buy gas logs that will allow you to all but shut the damper, they are about 85% efficient. I installed a Rasmussen set in my daughter and son-in-laws home (split level with fireplace in lower level) and it heats their entire 1800 square foot home, the furnace never runs when they are home. The remote control feature is awsome. I paid around $1000.00 for the entire unit.
It only really helps if you have a fan that blows the hot air back into the room, otherwise most of the heat from the fireplace, and the room, head up the chimney in the updraft.
Many people believe it was Plato who invented the first alarm clock.
A fire place doesn't really put out too much heat A lot of fire places are more just for show then for heat. If you get a wood burning stove on the other hand Those puppies pump out heat like you can't believe!! Also, finding a source of REAL WOOD will save you money but using prepared logs will cost you more in the long run since they may not cost too much individually, but if you use a ton of them, it adds up quick. Get an oil filled portable radiator/heater from Home Depot. Buy some extra fleese blankets (or just go buy flease from JoAnn Fabrics) and bundle up in front of the tv Those can go a lot further then burning wood in a 'for show' fireplace.