I have a large surplus of stainless steel pipe and fittings, but have no idea of how to sell it. I keep getting rediculous offers that equal about 15 cents on the dollar. How can i get a realistic bid on this inventory?
Most jobs have a number of days set aside for family emergencies, I would check with your manager or supervisor, but most companies give you this time.
You can be fired for any reason - or none at all - provided the reason does not violate anti-discrimination laws. (I'm assuming you are an at-will employee, not union.) Some companies have bereavement policies - but that is company policy, and not law.
break them with axe . i can't help it .what have you done with them ?
Many companies offer bereavement leave. Check your employee handbook for the exact wording. But probably yes. Companies can fire you for walking funny. But that can't stop you from filing a wrongful termination suit.
Check employment standards legislation in your jurisdiction to see what the rules are regarding employees attending funerals. Usually, time off is available only for immediate family members unless, as in some cases, you were raised by grandparents.