How can we install a door closet
Parallel installation: The door closer is mounted on the door and the parallel plate is mounted on the door frame. And the door closer is mounted on the door side. This installation method is suitable for the door frame is very narrow, or almost no door frame.
1, the standard installation: door closers installed on the door, the bearings installed in the door frame, and the door closet installed in the sliding door side. This installation is suitable for the door frame is narrow, there is not enough space to install the door closer. Applicable to the direction of the door without obstacles, the door open to a large enough angle, the door closers will not hit the foreign objects.
2, the door frame installation: door closet installed in the door frame, the seat installed in the door, and the door closet installed in the door side. This installation method is suitable for wide door frame, there is enough space to install the door closer.
Compared with the standard installation, this installation method is suitable for opening doors such as walls and other obstacles. This type of installation has a greater closing force and is suitable for larger and heavier doors.