A shorter pipe is stuck around a longer one. Would youRun hot water inside the inner pipe andpour cold water over the outer pipe.Run cold water inside the inner pipe andpour cold water over the outer pipe.Run hot water inside the inner pipe andpour hot water over the outer pipe.Run cold water inside the inner pipe andpour hot water over the outer pipe.???
Run cold water inside the inner pipe and pour hot water over the outer pipe.
well woodcutting has its perks but fishing is the best hands down, ul make 4x more with it but seriously ul tire out of runescape before long everyone does as its a bad game. *hides from thumbs down*
trust me mining is a lot better. i had an account with 99 woodcut and it took like 10minutes for full inventory. MINING IS A LOT BETTER SINCE IRON PRICES WENT UP
you can think through this. I'll give you a hint - copper expands when it gets warm
Cold on the inside will cause contraction of the outer diameter of the inside pipe, Hot water applied to the outer diameter will cause the inner dimension to expand thus causing an dimensional difference that will be sufficient to separate the two pipes.