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How do they built bridges in the ocean? When the sea floor is sand and the current is so strong?

How do they built bridges in the ocean? When the sea floor is sand and the current is so strong?


The ocean is too deepThe Golden Gate Bridge has a single span, with supports built on land at either end, with no support in the middle because the water is just too deepThe old San Francisco-Oakland bridge has a lot of spans, with support in the middle of the Bay because the SF Bay is relatively shallowNevertheless, when it was built, wooden support was used in the eastern spans, and they would not withstand a big earthquake, so a new bridge was builtGenerally, the top part of the sea floor is made of loose sediments, but the deeper parts are more solid because the weight of the water and the sediment above compress the lower layers This more solid, denser layer can provide support for a bridgeThe support comes in the form of concrete pillars that are driven into the sea floor using pile driving machinesThese concrete pillars can support the weight of the bridge and the traffic above better than the wooden ones that were used to build the eastern spans of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay BridgeHigh rise buildings on land often use the same technique, as you may have seen or heard the sound of the pile driving machines at construction sites on landRecently there is a news story that the noises these underwater pile driving machines may bother the whales, which communicate with sound, and they also have sensitive hearing that can be damaged by loud soundsSomeone invented a device that can muffle these sounds to safe levels.
FIBER FIBER FIBER!! This substance is a miracle worker when it comes to cholesterol! I see that you said oatmeal is part of your diet, but oatmeal isn't high enough in fiber to make that much differenceWhole grain cereals (Frosted Mini Wheats are awesome if you're like me, a sugar nut) are a great way to introduce fiber into your diet, as well as green veggies and fruits (I hate veggies, so I drink V8)How does it work? Well, bile, a digestive enzyme, is partially comprised of cholesterolFiber, as it's being digested, binds, or locks on to, bile and escorts it out of your bodyIn order to create more bile, your body has to consume some of your body's cholesterol, thereby lowering your total amountEating a lower cholesterol diet helps, but people who are young with higher cholesterol have their genetics to blameFood-based cholesterol contributes to a lower percentage of your cholesterol than your body's natural processes doExercising sounds like a great idea to meNot only will you feel healthier from losing some weight, but exercise increases the amount HDL (High density lipoprotein) cholesterol, which is an indicator of good healthWhen your cholesterol is high what your physician means is all the cholesterol BESIDES your HDL is high (LDLs, VLDLs, and Triglycerides)Keep up the exercise and fiber, and your blood vessels and heart will thank you!
Fish oilIt's natural and you can buy it at any drugstore, WalMart or KMart
Drink lots of waterStick to light dietWalk as much as you canThink positive be happy !
Natural Cholesterol Guide?

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