My little brother just got 2 gerbils. One of them is fine going in the tubes and coming back down, but the other won't go up. He will climb down if you put him up there, but he won't climb up on his own. Their sleeping area is on the top floor, and there's another floor with his food and water on it. The water bottle will only fit in that spot, so there's no other way to move the bottle. Also, how do i get them to figure out how to use a water bottle?
Until your gerbil gets the hang of it, put the food on the level he does have access to. At times all it takes is a little time for them to realize there's more to their home. Once he does, he'll be able to have the food where it currently is. I do wish to make sure you know that gerbils do chew through plastic and make quick work of tubes and tunnels. Within a couple weeks there could be a hole large enough for him to get out. Please just keep an eye on him to make sure he's not chewing on it. If he is, you may want to put him in a safer cage. I've seen many gerbils chew through the Critter Trail cages and many distraught owners wondering how to find their gerbils once they have escaped. Many owners don't feel their gerbil is a chewer or that the plastic is thick enough, but never underestimate the power of their determination and jaws. Many will chew through it, it simply ends up being a matter of when. Then again, some are fine, but in my own experience with gerbil parents, their gerbils all found a way out. My own two included (though I had been watching and as soon as I found the possibility of them making it out, they were immediately switched to a safer cage).
Well is the tube just straight up and down? try putting it at an angle that it's not very steep for it. You could stack a few card board boxes or something like stairs if you're really concerned about it not going up. But it knows there's food up there and it will go when it's hungry or thirsty.
the gerbil will most likely climb up the tubes when he is ready. don't worry about him nor being able to get to the food and water, if you put him up there once he will no it is up there, so, when he gets hungry he'll find his way up there, its their instinct. and they probably already know how to use the Water bottle, it is the easy est way to get them to drink, and so the place you got them from probably used them too. don't worry, your pets will be fine, its normal for pats to be timid when they first get into a new home, but they will get used to it. p.s. i speak from experience, so i know what im talking about, im not one of those guys who gets all their info. off the internet.
this is just my opinion but if he wont use the water bottle then place him in front of it and put your finger on the tip and make water come out thats what i did to my chinchilla and it uses the waterbottle no prob and about the tube try luring him/her up with a treat or something they like