How do you know how to corrdinate curtains with wall color? If your walls are a med. light green?
If you know the brand & color of your paint, then the pain manufacturer should have some accent color suggestions. Then you can find a curtain in one of those colors.
you can do neutral curtains with a 30 inch (or taller) colorband starting at the bottom. for the band pick a color in the same color family as your wall (or furniture or whatever). the best analogy would be think of curtains with a baseboard or wainscoted effect.
think of a feeling or thing you want to copy and imagine it. i have green walls in our bedroom, with wooden floors and antique wardrobes and dresser, i just based it on a rose flower and coordinated the entire room with this in mind, and i wanted to be airy and comfortable. so, i went with curtains that were different greens,pinks etc, and grabbed a style of curtain that wasn't heavy and could be tied back to the wall, to let the sunlight in. i matched this with some waterhouse and michelanglo paintings to tie it all together. have an imagination and feel what you want the room to feel like, match it with you and your lifestyle and have fun. sometimes what first seems to appear mismatched can tie together very well, so think of a few colours that compliment eachother, you will discover alot more options.
You could actually use various shades of green around the room such as new throw pillows. Also, add a splash of red here and there or brown shades. Once you find the throw pillows you like, match them with the curtains and you will have a beautiful room.
depending on the room & the style that u'r going for.... u can either make the curtains a darker green or a print/design w/ that green in it. If u have a 2nd or 3rd accent color going on in u'r room, u can use that on u'r curtains instead & that would tie it all in together. w/o knowing what else is going on in the room, that's the best i can give to u. hope that helps some.