I would like to make a wig out of my own (African American) hairHave you done that? How would I go about it? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
They do sell non-stick aluminum foil, but I spray even that to make sure that it doesn't stickAluminum foil would come off better than trying to get a cake out of a regular aluminum pan though
You use a fine mesh cut to the shape you need, or you could crochet a fine cap using silk or a very fine threadTo attach the hair, make sure the root end is the one attached to the base.Each hair can be tied to the mesh.You will need many hairs for each mesh openingThis is going to take patience, you may want to thread each hair onto a fine needle and manage the construction that wayI made a wig out of fine threads and yarns, using a base I crocheted to fit the exact size I needed.