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How do you use a USB data cable for your cellphone?

I have one it is a Mybat USB data cable for MY cellphone type, but I can't figure out how to transfer files and stuff because it didn't come with any instructionsjust the cable and the software. And in the My Computer folder it takes up drives F,G,H, and I and it won't let me open any of the drives. It tells me to insert a disk into w/e drive I'm trying to get into. And I can't get into all of them at once either and I'm just so confused! I was so exited to get the cable and now it's not working. It's rather disappointing. I think I need some kind of other software to go along with it also and I don't know where to get that either or what kind to get. :( Help?!


once you're fortunate, once you connect the phone as a USB gadget, the phone might want to ensue as a fastened quantity in explorer. try to manage to browse your report like various different rigidity. once you've a removeable reminiscence card, plug right into a card reader. in case you telephone/computing gadget helps bluetooth, try that.
First of all what brand of cell phone do u have? You can try installing the software before you even plug your data cable in then plug in cable after it's fully installed. You shouldnt need any other kind of software UNLESS your using a Mac. My suggetion would be to go to the manfacturer's website of the phone u have (Nokia, Motorola. ect) and look under help or support. :)

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