I have an 86 Toyota truck with 34k miles ( s used as a ranch truck) and we have noticed that the brake is going past the first stage and catching the second. With how old the truck is how much longer can I safely drive like this? BTW I don‘t brake often, I drop gears
Well, first check the brake fluid. you could possibly damage the master cylinder. but wow! 86 with 34k miles thats not much at all
I don't think that is what you are feeling. The dual systems of a master cylinder work at the same time, providing balanced pressure to the two circuits. If the secondary seal fails you will never notice it because it normally has little pressure across it, but if the primary seal fails it will leak brake fluid. If you are feeling the brake pedal go down pretty far before anything happens the rear brakes are probably out of adjustment. If so, you can replace the self-adjusters. When they back all the way off there will be no braking at all.
right all you have is rear brakes the second resivior si for seperating the brake systems so you dont lose all the btrakes. master cylinders are cheap and easy to put in the problem is trying to bleed it you need to make sure the front and rear brakes are good. If this is a stick shift put it in second and turn off the key the engine will chug to a stop on compression alone (try third gear first in case second is too low. In any case keep fluid in the master cylinder should help.the leak may be in a front wheel anyway and it leaked out the resivior.