Can you tell me how to clean abec bearings and grease them?
Yes u take a screwdriver or bearings remover and take the bearing out of the wheel then clean it with whatever u have alcohol soap orange juice haha it works and then just use whatever lube u want u can buy really special lubricant at ur local skateshop
The preferences are based on what works for you. For cleaning the bearings, I use lamp oil (desented kerosene) because it cleans out anything. I then wash it out with denatured alcohol which also dries the bearings. If you use a water based cleaner like citrus cleaners, do not soak them overnight since it can damage the bearings. Almost anything works for lubricants. Super light things like the sprays don't last very long. Some people spray them every time they go out. Oils roll quickly right away but are not as waterproof as greases or last very long. Greases are slower at the start but will last a lot longer. Use very little. A drop or two of oil or a few pin head sized blobs of grease.