My bf's dad gave us a ride to a gallery, and this is the first time I have ever met his father. He had just gotten a new jetta and he pulled up to the curb. He backed up too close to a fire hydrant and I didn't realize it was there until it was too late. Cam I come back from a bad first impression like that? Or will he always hate me? Mature answers please.
try , it's a site where people post t-shirt graphics that they made and want to sell. there are a lot of zombies and that kind of stuff. i can't believe someone actually suggested you hire only 'friends and family'. from my experience, friends and family can screw you over better than anyone else. hah.
I have fixed this many times, it is one of two things, most likley the first, it needs to be vaccumed or blown out because of dust build up, if that dose not work, it needs to be replaced. as well depending on the age of the smoke detector, it should simply twist off its mounting brachet, and unplug. even after that, it might still beep due to the new battery, so chuck it somewhere it can't be heard for your own sanity.
That's a good question. By keeping all the plumbing in one area there are shorter pipe and drain runs which equals lower cost of labor and materials.