Well, however bad this may sounds well you are right.My next door neighbour posted a video featuring me, a really bad one and it is close to 1,000 views and we really want to delete it. We both got in trouble by our parents.My friend (neighbor) is such an idiot she doesn't know which email, which password because she always stays logged on her gmail account on her phone. But she can't use her phone now it got smashed. I tried flagging it or whatever but it is still up.If you want the youtube link please provide your email so I can give you the link, I will not publicy announce the link because I will feel uncomfortable doing so.And if you say that you think I am hacking it or whatever or she's an idiot just don't answer.
WithoutKelly Chaffins resigned when requested to do so. Instead of resignation, Christy Wilt had a probation period, as well as eight hours of mandatory training in how to recognize child abuse and stop bullying. The girl's parents sued, and the school district subsequently paid $300,000 in damages. The girl's parents made out like bandits. What's the problem? They can yell at me for a year at 40 hours a week and for $300,000 I would thank them for doing it. This is America, land of lawsuits and settlements. The people of Ohio paid for the issue.
You can wear safety goggles that machinists and carpenters use. They will fit around your glasses.