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How to obtain - current from a transformer?

I'm a beginner in electronics ,I have a big , old transformer (I think it is AC) , only supplies + current. (36 Volts)I also need - current to drive an amplifier.So i think it's an AC to DC converter i need. (It's just a guess , i don't really know.)How can i achieve this ?Note : If you need additional details , please include how i can get that detail , just in case i don't know.


Transformers do NOT supply only + current, which I assume you mean as positive voltage, DC. So this is a power supply, not a transformer. Yes, you need an additional 36 volts DC power supply, and you would connect it as a negative supply, ie, connect the + output to your common or ground, and the – output would then be –36 volts for your amplifier. As to how, buy one or make one. Search google for 36 volt power supply. You will need to know the current requirements also.
You need to a have a rectifier to convert AC to DC, Before designing a Rectifier, You should make the specification of your input in terms of 1. Voltage 2.Maximum current requirement
A transformer with the correct secondary voltage can be used to make a DC power supply. Just put a full wave bridge and a filter on the output of the transformer.
transformer is only chenge value of ac and dc does not flow through transformer. and transformer work on the principle of electomagntic induction only induced current from primary coil to secondray

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