Does anyone know where I can locate a print or lithograph of the chromolithograph done in the 1850's of William John WIlgus' Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman?
Preach is son! I know in my case I ask if something looks good on me or if I look good because half the time I can't tell if something looks hideous on me or not. I always used to get picked on when I was younger as well because i grew up in an area where everybody was blonde haired and blue eyed, and I'm italian with extremely dark features so I stuck out! The popular girls tore me apart and I coudln't STAND to look at myself in the mirror. Yuck, dark, dark times. But then again, those girls were just trying to make themselves more secure, and they're the kinds of people fishing for compliments. heh.
Ichabod Crane, Respectfully Dedicated to Washington Irving. by William J. Wilgus, artist chromolithograph, c.