This is my second season breeding leos, Right now I have 8 eggs, the first ones are 44 days old now, my female has been laying a pair of eggs every 2 weeks exactly One egg of the first lay has a big dent on one side now, what should I do?? I am using vermiculite as substrate and incubating at 80 degrees (I want to hatch females), one difference from the first lay to the others is that the first pair of eggs is in a 2 inch tall deli, and the others are in a 4 inch tall deli cup, could it be possible that it is lacking humidity??? Another thing I noticed is that the dented egg is also soft shelled!!! not too soft but definitelly not hard!! Please give me some advise!! I really want them to hatch!!! I check them every day!!! Thanks!!!
I know with bearded dragon eggs that denting in the very beginning means they're pretty much bad and to toss them. But if you're right on the hatching point it may just be getting ready to hatch. Beardie eggs deflate right before the babies show up! :]
Most likely getting about ready to hatch. At the 80deg range they take a lil longer to hatch. Somewhere in the 45-60 day range. When they do get ready they will start to dent in and get small droplets of water on them. At that point they the baby can cut the egg with its egg tooth. Keep an eye on the sinking egg and make sure its not going bad. You can also VERY carefully take small flashlight (I use a key chain mag lite) and candle them to see if they have a red hue to them or yellow. Red is good yellow is infertile at later stage that is. When they are first lay ed they all appear to have a yellow hue until they get vascular formations. If the baby is getting ready to hatch you will also see them move inside the egg. Good luck!
Boil it and have it for breakfast lol jokes!!! Give it a few more days, if it gets really bad immediately report to a reptile specialist