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I'm confused. re the Romanov family - the finding of 2 more bodies?

I'm puzzled and there must be a logical explanation. Why for year's did they say that the 2 missing Romanov children were likely to be Anastasia and Alexei, and people were convinced she may of survived. (I'm not convinced now however). And now that 2 more bodies have been discovered the media are saying MARIA and Alexei's remains have been found. Does that mean then, that Anastasia's body was discovered back in 1991 with 4 other members of her family, when we assumed it was Maria? Or are they still unsure whether it's Anastasia or Maria that has just been found? Sorry but you may agree it's all a bit confusing and I just wondered whether anyone out there can clarify the situation with Anastasia and Maria. Thanks.


Guess what? Rachelle can copy paste! All the Ramonov girls were close in age. I recall reading that there was always some confusion over which girl was missing even though popular culture honed in on Anastasia. I believe the confusion came because of their size (anastasia being younger yet bigger than maria (?)). Anastasia also had imposters like Ana Anderson who many people believed to be the escaped Grand Duchess but now we know they were all frauds. Once the last 2 bodies were found though it became clear who was who and yes Anastasia was found in 1991.
You might enjoy The Romanov Prophecy by Steve Berry. It is pure fiction but it explores the possibilities thrown up by the uncertainty surrounding the murders, although it was written in 2004, before the discovery of the last two bodies. The plot revolves around what might happen if the Russian people of today decided to restore the tsar, and who the heir to the Romanov throne might be.
After the our bodies have been exhumed in June, 1991, they sat in laboratories for years jointly as Russians fought over the place they must be buried, Yekaterinburg or St. Petersburg. A Russian cost ultimately chosen St. Petersburg and the final commonly used direct Romanovs have been buried alongside their ancestors.
anastasia and maria were very close in the physical aspect which would make there skeletons/ bown growth similar. so if u were comparing skeletons it would b hard to decern which child was which. they at first believe anastasia and alexie may have survived but after examination of the first sets of bodies. they came to find that it was maria and alexie that were missing. and now are found.

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