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I think I might have a brake problem?

I JUST bought a 2011 chevy cruze. Literally 3 days ago.And at first, everything was fine with it. But today I was driving it, and I go to stop and it starts bumping and I could smell rubber burn. Yes, it does have a button to put more traction on your wheels, and I turned it off. Yet on specific times I stopped it wouldn‘t, and it felt like it was trying to stop but wasn‘t getting traction. So does anyone know what could be the issue? I thought it was just the fact that it was new tires, but the first 2 days it was fine. I also don‘t have the emergency brake on. So I don‘t know?


Sounds like The ABS, or anti lock brake system may not be functioning correctly, that would cause the bumping or pulsing in the pedal, The burning rubber you smell is probably brake pads heating up in the front which could be caused by a caliper locking up in the front which would also cause the ABS to malfunction.
Hope you're not driving with two feet one on gas other on brake this will overheat brakes. Car is new take it back to Dealer for check something may have been installed wrong. They should/will fix for free.Also suggest you read book that came with car so you understand what traction control is.
Hal, I am sorry to hear about this issue. I agree with Ironball. You just bought the vehicle and it is certainly still under warranty. Your dealership is the best place for you to go. Thank you Elizabeth, GM Customer Service

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