I would like to ask the latest version of the modified version of the karting how to get ah, I want the latest version of the run after the revision did not play do not answer
With the blue box with a chance to open, the red can also, the factory workshop is the same as before, there is a chance to swap out, and then there is no then.
High-grade parts is the name of the red parts only a little bit worse than the rare parts of some even better than the rare parts of the good parts are better 2 in the method 1: in the factory workshop to exchange energy to exchange, but this depends on your people The goods are generally more difficult to exchange out 2: 100% out of high-level components only spend money in the store with the game currency to buy that red parts box out of the red box out of the components is not a high-level components is rare parts
Internet check chant, but I do not know the girls drop