OR do you go 15 over the bumps 25 the rest of the residential area? or 15 throughout the whole neighborhodd?
I'd go back to the doctor, preferably a different one, and get a second opinion.
you always got 2 options: 1. For a while, don't have her drink any fluids 3 hours before her bed time(maybe a little shorter) and that may help. 2. Let her sleep on the toilet.
because smoke, like warm air, rises. when it rises it goes toward the ceiling.
I go through the same thing with my son. I got tired of doing laundry and constantly buying new mattresses, I ended up getting rubber sheets and disposable briefs. It's a difficult thing to deal with, I know. Have you taken her to see a specialist? Most times a specialist can find a problem when a pediatrician or family doctor cannot. Because she is a hard sleeper, that makes it even more difficult. Would she be willing to try bedwetting alarms? These go off when she begins wetting the bed. I tried them for my son and now when it goes off, he gets up automatically and goes to the bathroom. Also, because it goes off at the same time every night, he has become conditioned to get up at that time, even when it doesn't go off or he is having a rare dry night. You could get her into the habit of getting up every two hours or so; I tried that with my son, too. You can go to a mattress store and purchase a mattress cover; it is strong and durable and nothing can get through it; I know because my son has one. It's really helped a lot; I haven't had to replace the mattress in almost three years. You have to persist in getting her up during the night or have her put on a disposable brief.
Set a alarm for every 2 1/2 hours and have her get up and pee.