Home > categories > Consumer Electronics > Data Cables > Is a dsl data cable the same as a phone wire you plug into a phone?

Is a dsl data cable the same as a phone wire you plug into a phone?

Bought APC SurgeArrest that has an in and out plug for modem/ fax/ phone. I want to plug in my ATT dsl data cable into it and use the skinny phone line that came with the surge protector to go out of it and into the modem.I'm connected to the internet right now with it hooked up like that. Seems fine so far. Is there any chance that this skinny phone wire could be slowing my connection down any?


The DSL cord you are refering to is the Category 5 (Cat5) or Cat5e ethernet cable with RJ-45 connectors at each end. It has 8 sets of wires inside as opposed to the regular telephone cord which uses the smaller RJ-11 connectors and has 2-4 wires inside. You could just ask the store for an ethernet cable for your DSL modem to connect to your computer and they will understand what you're talking about. Good luck!
No not really. If your skinny phone cable is suffering from high amounts of electrical noise interference then maybe. Or if it's a really long cable then signal loss may cause loss of speed. A normal phone cable though is all you need for DSL modem connections.
You can not always connect your dsl line through the filter, it will interfere with the connection. The correct way to use such a surge protector is to connect the line to it direct, then connect the dsl filter to the output. Then connect your dsl cable from it to your router.
Should be OK. Why not try a broadband speed test with - and then without - the surge protector in the loop. Good broadband speedtesters is speedtest
Yes they are the same and you should be fine, both are 4 wires :) speed will have little effect, but if you find yourself getting disconnected alot, i would get a surge protector recommend for DSL.

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