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Is it ok to wash face 4-5 times with three products?

Like in th emorningwash ur face with a gentle cleanserAfter thatyou use a pimple acne medicationAfter that.you use another cleanser (just for example) Is that okay or is it not?I dont have bad acne or scarsjust wondering


Mating won't make him more aggressive towards humans, otherwise breeders wouldn't be able to keep and handle their stud cats. However, it will make him more inclined to fight with other cats for mating and territorial rights. Some of those fights can get pretty violent, leading to injury or the risk of contracting FIV or FeLV from bite wounds. He'll also be more likely to wander farther afield than a neutered male and that put will put him at risk of being involved in a road accident or becoming lost. If he hasn't already begun spraying, he will probably start once he's mated because he'll want to advertise himself to available females and warn other male cats to stay out of his territory. Once cats begin spraying on a regular basis it can be a very difficult (if not impossible) habit to break. I'd encourage you to have him neutered because it has many proven health benefits for cats. It won't change his personality but will make him more of a homebody.
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