is there a height restriction for the Fire Alarm Control Panel location? Can it be set at 24'' from the floor?
I have found that products made in China are inferior to American made goods, but there are some quality products coming out of Mexico and other countries. I have a RCA TV made iin Mexico that is 10 years old with no problems. I have a Samsung DVD/VCR made in Indonesia that is 9 years old with zero problems and a small Daewoo TV made in Korea that is 15 years old with no problems. I have a 1992 Toyota Corolla with 200,000 miles made in Japan. I have quality products made in USA too, I love SAS shoes and Ford trucks which are durable and very good. I try to avoid Chinese made goods because they are not only inferior they might contain toxins like mercury, lead, and formaldehyde. What can be done is to tack tariffs on Chinese goods that will make them so expensive Americans won't buy them. I would only allow free trade with Mexico and Canada and the rest of the world can expect tariffs on their goods. Penalize American companies that move to China and other places and reward those who stay providing jobs for Americans by giving them tax incentives.
Whe you click start you'll see a Contol Panel option. The contol panel has many options to configure and maintain your computer. Don't change anything unless your sure thats what you want and read everything before you do.
Because a lightning strike is so unpredictable, and also we would have to create something to be able to not only attract the lightning but also to be able to hares and store all of its power. And even with this lightning is not all just electricity it is very harmful and even if it it attracted how can it be stored to be used as energy?