im getting ready for crazy hair day tomorrow and im just wondering if theres an easy way to curl my hair without the curling iron and it stays. i dont have any shampoo or anything for curly hair so no need to tell me. plus, its really late and i cant possibly go buy somthing for it.. thanks.
Reduces long term costs by preventing injuries that someone must pay for keeps healthy workers who have been tried on the job, reducing turnover which costs in recuriting, and training expense reduces delays due to stopping to deal with emergenices heps keep employee moral high, think how being afraid of the workplace would be counter of efficiency. So we expect that only adults are allowed to run some machines, for example at Arby's and Bob Evans only adluts can use the meat slicers, Gaurds/shileds should be in place to keep limbs and clothing out of moving gears or pulleys protective wear is required to protect eyes, ears, toes, and lungs (safety glasses, noice supression, steel toe shoes, dust or gas masks). ths alos includes training in the safe methods of opertions, how to deal with emergecies and the regualr review to see procedures are being used. notice that in 3 world and under developed countires, it is thought to be cheaper to suffer injuries, replace the workers than to put in safety devices, wera/provide prtoective clothing, or main machines. Note that the Republicans want compaines to be able to skip saftey and let the workers suffer and bear cost of low safety standards.
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