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Kitchen cabinet area how to calculate, still have hutch ark door area how to calculate?

Kitchen cabinet area how to calculate, still have hutch ark door area how to calculate?


The general is the expansion area (the wardrobe is not higher than 2400mm, 2400mm higher in positive area) if you want to do cabinet depends on how high! High 1 meters per square meters, 1 meters lower than by the door! No calculation alone has 2 valence. There is no door 450M2. Just do wardrobe there are doors 600M2!
The cabinet is a font according to Yanmi calculation is long. Type L is the two longest side minus a width. Type U is the three longest side, minus two width. Side view panels calculate area directly by height multiplied by width.Cabinet length, cabinet prices are generally calculated in accordance with cabinet length, width is generally 55cm. The price is the unit price * meter numberCabinets if artificial stone countertops more than 700mm, you need to increase the cost, because artificial stone specifications width is only 700mm.

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