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Longitudinal patterns in automobile tires, especially heavy truck tires?

What are the differences between vertical and horizontal patterns in automobile tires, especially heavy truck tires?


2, disadvantages: high speed noise, due to large rolling resistance, is not suitable for high-speed driving.3. Use: dump trucks, industrial vehicles, and rear wheels of buses running on poor roads.
3: use: good road, truck and bus front wheel.It is a vertical pattern, and the direction of the groove is perpendicular to the circumference1, advantages: good braking and handling performance, good traction performance.
The groove of the pattern is the same as the circumference.1, advantages: low rolling resistance, not easy to slip, can provide good handling stability, because in the running process of low heat, can show good high speed performance, low noise, good ride comfort.2 disadvantages: poor braking performance and stability of the wetland, and prone to cracking under load.

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