I have a sheet of cork that has adhesive on the back. I own a 1inch hole puncher made by fiskers with the blue handlesits jaw won't open wide enough for the sheet to slide in to punch. Does anyone know what would work. I don't want to have to keep buying off online for cork dots when i can make my own. It is for an craft/ art project.
$2900 for rear shocks (actually, struts) and brakes? A good deal?? Yeah, I know it has automatic leveling, etc. but gm still has not figured out how to make basic struts so that they would last Expect second round of what you've already done PLUS everything else this piece of machinery has. I remember seeing one with a $14,000 repair bill - engine and transmission were not included. Upset with me? No point - I am not the one who made or bought it.
The chemicals that meth labs use are usually corrosives, such as clorox, drano, all the cleansers they use are corrossives, some use lye another highly corrosive, so it actaully eats it way back out to the top of the skin causing sores.
Thats an easy one. Speed bumps is what they put on the roads to keep cars from going fast. Like in apartment driveways and hospital parking lots.
Meth is a highly toxic drug consisting of various household chemicals. When used repeatedly the toxins work their way to the surface of the skin and scabs over. The scabs that are produced contain resin from the drug. When a Meth addict is locked up and unable to get the next fix, they peel off the scab and ingest it to get some of the toxin back into their system. It is not a good decision to even try. I know this as a wittiness. I have been a sheriff's dept. for many years and dealt with it. PLEASE. don't waist your life trying it.
Speed bumps are pimple-like bumps filled with crystal. They're also called formication, meth sores, and crank bugs. Heavy stimulant use causes a rise in body temperature and increased blood flow to the skin to counteract it. The produced sweat contains an enzyme that increases blood flow to the skin even more. When the sweat evaporates, it removes the protective sebaceous oil which coats the skin. The combined effects of dehydration, sweating and removal of the sebaceous oil on the skin create a sensation on the nerve endings on the skin and cause the addict feelings of something irritating or crawling on or under the skin. The skin is an escape route for the toxic wastes used to create the drug.