I once worked at this summer camp at which we made kalidescopes. The material used was these small sheets of reflective plastic (maybe plastic? dunno for sure), but if you held the plastic close enough to your face, you could see through it. Another type I've seen isthe solid yellow, hard reflective plastic used for sunglasses, you know? Bottom like, I'm looking for something thats reflective to others but see-through to the user (I confess, its actually for the visor part of a Master Chief helmet). I'd prefer it to be reasonably priced, flexible, and cutable, but even if you have a name for the material I'm talking about, or ANY info on what I might be looking for or where I might look, that'd be great.
I took the course, but instead of going off memory I double checked the course and frequent questions: Your training site will provide the motorcycle. Helmets are also provided if you do not have your own. Regardless of your riding experience, you are required to wear a helmet during the riding portion of your class. You should come to the riding portion with eye protection, a long sleeved shirt or jacket, full fingered gloves, long pants and sturdy over the ankle footwear (not canvas).
Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta Shield It's a code used by the army
why is this in rap and hip-hop lol