during a period or implantation bleeding, if you pass some small clots, is that due to having low iron?? if not, what are clots and why do some poeple pass them while bleeding??
I'm not going to do your homework, but the one that isn;t is a noble gas
I'm not going to do your homework, but the one that isn;t is a noble gas
idk im anemic i dont know what a clot is what is it?
I am severly anemic (low iron) and i have clots its because your body knows that you have low iron and its trying to stop your period because the more blood you loose . the more iron you loose. hope this helps.
idk im anemic i dont know what a clot is what is it?
I am severly anemic (low iron) and i have clots its because your body knows that you have low iron and its trying to stop your period because the more blood you loose . the more iron you loose. hope this helps.