I am going to get a large, hard plastic kiddie pool and fill it with gravel to use for planting. Im thinking that the gravel would put many punctures in the kiddie pool so I first want to line the walls with something to protect it. I was thinking maybe rubber sheets, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea. I'm looking for a type of material that is flexible, cost effective, and that will not fall apart in water. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great.
they may turn brock lesnar face one day but not at this moment as wwe and fans want brock to feud with the best face wrestlers like cena, triple h and cm punk. there's also the rock and the undertaker. if he extends his contract then we may see brock lesnar turning and feuding with heel wrestlers.
buses are cheap, they hafta be for the low budget they have to pay for them. the entire frame and body is metal. metal conducts vibrations really well, so when you sit RIGHT ON THE WHEEL and you hit a bump, you get the full force. The impact goes right from under the bus, to the metal legs on your seat, and right into your body, sending you in the air depending on how much you weigh If you want to see what i mean, get a long piece narrow piece of metal, like the legs of most school seats. Put your hand on the piece of metal now a few inches up from your hand.. take a solid object and hit it against the metal (not too hard) and feel the vibration your hand feels now take that same solid object and do the same thing this time on the seat infront of you on the school bus. (the fabric part). You probably wont feel any vibration at all from the fabric, thats because it doesnt conduction vibrations as well as metal. Just dont hurt anyone or do anything stupid and sue me.. lol.. use a pen as your solid object or something.