I thought it was my shocks or struts. But when I am stopped i tried the e-brake, and the cars sinks every time. So I‘m thinking maybe there is something wrong with my emergency brake?
it takes millions of years for them to form
No, those are all raw materials found in the ground that are not renewable, so basically, once we're through mining for them there will be no more.
Your cavalier sinks? You mean nose dives or something like that? Bad/weak springs is all I can think of since I doubt if you're riding on a lake! The e-brake would cause the back end to pull down if you have bad or broken springs.
You guessed right. Maybe a e-brake cable is hung up. Check that first. Also maybe if you have had a recent brake job done it could be that they adjusted the rear brakes up too much! Now if both e-brakes are hung in the rear then the car will sink evenly in the rear. If that is the case then look for the cable that goes from the e-brake handle and to the part where the rear cables come up to. Most of the time if you have'nt used your e-brakes for a long period of time then they are probably rusted and froze in placeSteve
Brake systems are designed to keep the car level while stopping. To do this, the prop valve engages the rear brakes first, and once they begin to catch, the fluid pressure is diverted to the front brakes, providing an even stop, with no body dive. If your car is sinking, you have brake problems on the opposite end of the sink, front or rear. Emergency brakes aren't tied into the fluid system, so they can't cause it, unless something went horribly wrong inside the rear brakes and it's all funked up now.