I have several cats, but only recently she decided to do her job on my area rug, yet she'll tinkle in the litter box...Any answers as to how I can get her back into doing both in the litter box...
A new litter box in that spot.
try using cat attract litter. It works magic.
When you find out let me know! The same thing happend with my cat. He will poop on any mat or rug i buy. Now he just poops on the floor and wont poop in his box at all. We have tried EVERYTHING, but we love him and would never get rid of him so we have accepted it.
Either the cat is not wanting to use the litterbox because it isnt kept clean enough (they can be very fussy about this) or needs to visit the vet because it could be indicating a health problem that needs to be checked into. Its also possible that it was an accident. Depending on if it were one time or repeated.
well, maybe you should move the rug, unless its a big one, into a different room, because it may be the rug, i had a cat that had a littlerbox, and but she would only do #2 in it, and my dad has this really really really nice room where no one can go in it except him [lol] and the cat would always pee on it, and the day before we had to take her to the pound, my dad picked it up and found 20 pee stains on it! no joke! but you could probably put the litterbox in the same place that she does #2. =] or change the litter, see if that helps!! best wishes and good luck!!