How come you are not suppose to come in contact with people you're pressing charges against. I mean what happens if you do?
Never mix business with pleasure.
The law is afraid that the perp will kill you in advance of your court date. (or you'll accept a bribe from them drop the case)(or they'll give you a reach around for cash return 'favors')
Because you aren't pressing charges the state is they don't want you tainting the case through further contact with the accused. If you lodge a complaint against someone in most cases the state doesn't give you the option to later rescind your complaint if the state finds enough evidence during their investigation they can compel you to go through with the case. I mean what happens if you do? You might end up in jail on a contempt charge, even if you don't it certainly won't help your case especially if the accused says you tried to blackmail them or cut some sort of deal.