she's three years old, rose gray. her name is jedi i'm looking for an arabian stud horse in mississippi, i won't dare send her out of state. l love her too much, and i wouldn't be able to go with her. i don't know wether or not this makes any difference, but she has bloodlines to a really old, probably dead (but supposed to be significant in some way) show horse named Bask. (english accent) She's not yet broken, but i've ridden her twice- once with a saddle and once bareback. (i don't think she likes bareback very much tho cuz i was bucked off lol!) if you have any connections or tips on my next riding adventure, please feel free to write. i'd appreciate it tho if you would olny give good, friendly advice i don't need any spam but then again, who really does?
Hell yeah, and I'm pissed!
This depends on the construction of the frames and the thickness of your lens. Your optician will advise you.
Sexually repressed, at least that's what I heard in Psych 101. Some decision you made is leaving you feeling trapped in some way, leaving you with no options. Damn now I sound like some dimestore psychic.
Yeah. Their chances were fair. The Shield is tough.