Can you get the saftey gloves even though u died with them, can you get them again or u just cant? I died exploring the wilderness with no armor and i died by a rev vamp lvl 68 and i lost those saftey gloves is there any ohter way to get em back?
no you can not fill it your self but your local fire department might but if they cant there are company's that they will send it out to. if your valve of your fire extinguisher is plastic it can be refilled but it is very expensive. if the valve is metal it will be cheaper to refill. if you fire extinguisher is co2,d, or k that is very expensive to refill. i DO not suggest to just throw away fire extinguishers be cause they can explode and spread the ammonia based powder every where. and its a waste. i know this because im certified to service and refill fire extinguishers. e-mail me if you have any more questions.
Take an ice cube and rub it on the sap. It will freeze it and the sap will come right off. I park under a pine tree everyday and this works like magic. Ice won't damage the paint either.