btw, there is a saint for this, he's said to have stopped a city from burning by praying and tossing a single bucket of water into the fire allegedly
if you don't KNOW what the problem with your car is and THINK that it is the lock cylinder that is a job you can do your self. However the parts for the theft system are very expensive so make sure you Think you are changing the Correct part.
Are you talking about a fire extinguisher located in an apartment building hallway (common area) or one in your premises? Fires extinguishers in common areas should be inspected once a year, however, inside your premises California doesn't require a fire extinguisher or an inspection. Some local city ordinances might require a fire extinguisher in a rental premises, but that is not a statewide mandate. Call your local Building and Safety for your local code requirements. Also Building and Safety, Code Enforcement, or Health Department should be able to help you. If any of the above agency's comes out and cites the landlord and if he doesn't make the repairs with a reasonable time it could be grounds for breaking the lease. To legally break a lease you would first have to notify the landlord in writing of the defect and give him a reasonable time to make the repairs. Generally, in order to break the lease the repairs would have to effect habitability of the premises.