I had a swig of coffee about nine hours ago and my stomach feels a messTo elaborate, i have been to the restroom constantly and feel pretty nauseousGetting to sleep is pretty impossible in this state, and i have no medicine to take currentlyWhat is it with coffee that usually makes me sick??
I am with steven smetamorphosis always says butterfly to methe young to old person was my first idea even before reading steven's ideamy favorite metamorphpsis idea can be found on youtubeBeing someone who was in high school in the 80'sI hope I do not offend any fans, but I would HIGHLY recommend the metamorphosis of Michael Jacksonfrom Black to Whiteyeah, yeah, yeah !!! I would be thrilled if you think this is good, please email me with the results !!! haha !!!
A) you could be allergic B) coffee makes a lot of people have to use the restroom anyway C) coffee contains soluble fiber, which will obviously make you poop - and if you eat a lot of fiber then you'll poop a lot; if you run out then your stomach will start to hurt D) Sprite is good to calm nauseous stomach, or any carbonated soda/water/drink I suggest you don't ever drink coffee again
Monkey into Human or Swan into Boat
How about something more reala catepillar into a butterfly A single cell embryo into a baby.with stages a man into a wolf A tadpole into a frog a young person into an old person
I had this project before and I did a pig turning into a piece of bacon I've also seen the metamorphis of Michael Jackson from past to present (creeepy!) Egg to a chicken Caterpillar to a butterfly