USB interface MP4 is broken, intended to use a soldering iron, but the point is too small, hand flick accidentally put the circuit board somewhere on the skin, green to burn also take the silver contacts to burn hanging did not, the position of the circuit board inside the original point of the brown layer the white color was exposed and the circuit board can also be used? Is the contact still in place? What should I do?
It looks like the copper foil has been burnt off by you.The first thing to do is to fix the socket. If the surrounding a larger area of the ground wire can be soldered socket, the other wire with a fine wire then, if there is no reliable welding point, you can consider the use of small holes around 0.8mm, and then put copper riveted and welded on the copper nail (the premise is mutual influence not double-sided circuit board! This is very important. The last trick is glue.
If only part of the solder drop, you should be able to see the copper wire connected with the welding point, the green solder pad on the surface of the copper wire to hang up, after the tin, the copper wire with the USB interface line can be connected.
Sure。The name of the circuit board are: circuit board, PCB board, aluminum substrate, high frequency board, thick copper plate, impedance board, PCB, ultra thin circuit board, ultra-thin circuit board, printing (copper etching technology) circuit board, etc.. The circuit board makes the circuit micro and visual, and plays an important role in the batch production and optimization of the fixed circuit. The circuit board can be called a printed circuit board or printed circuit board, English name (Printed Circuit Board), PCB (Flexible Printed Circuit board [1] (FPC) FPC circuit board circuit board and flexible circuit board flexible circuit board is made of polyimide or polyester film as a base material with high reliability, excellent can flexible printed circuit board. It has the characteristics of high wiring density, light weight, thin thickness and good bending quality And PCB Soft hard (reechas and combination plate), -FPC and the birth and development, the birth of the soft and hard board of this new product. Therefore, the soft and hard board is flexible circuit board and rigid circuit board, through pressing and other processes, according to the relevant process requirements together, formed with FPC characteristics and PCB characteristics of the circuit board.