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The reason why a negative mass flowmeter is measured

The reason why a negative mass flowmeter is measured


It should be the zero drift of the mass flow meter or the reverse loading of the sensor during installation.Close the front and rear hand valves and open the bypass. After 35 minutes, zero calibration of the instrument. If possible, can the school several times, each time were observed and compared after zero zero, if the stability can be used normally.If the sensor is reversed, just install the sensor according to the flow direction it identifies on the shell.
Zero drift or reverse flow. The stopwatch to re adjust the zero point, the latter has a disadvantage.
Close the valves on both sides so that the medium is stationary, and then make a zero calibrationYour problem may be caused by a severe zero driftQuality flow meter is necessary to secure the flanges at both ends to prevent the vibration of the pipe from affecting the measurement. The flange should be installed evenly. Do these points and then find the reason

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