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There was a guy stuck in a metal room with a metal door.?

The door was locked and there were no windows. The following items were inside the room: a piano, table,a saw,and a bat. How did the man get out? (3 ways)


1.Swing the bat thref times and you are out. 2. Cut the table half , put together and make whole, get out from the hole. 3.Use piano key. Good riddle
1. Take the saw cut the table in half. 2 halfs make a whole climb through the hole and escape 2.Use the saw cut up the bat mix it with sweat and ground up pino keys make a spark with the saw and create an explosive 3. open the door with the piano keys
use the bat and hit it hard on the piano, to get some attention from the outside world. if no one's coming, and he stucks there for many days and starting to feel hungry, chew on the table. and if no more table parts left to be eaten to survive, then use the saw, and saw his own head off. solve the problem. heheheh NO! seriously....the answer is........ First, he played the piano until he found the right key. Second, he sawed the table in half then held the two pieces together. Two halves make a whole.(hole) Third, he swung the bat three times. Three strikes, he's out.
1)Well, if you saw up the bat and create saw dust, mix it with sweat, grind up the piano keys with the saw, compact it and put it in the corner it will mix with the oxidized rust and create a powerful explosive. Create a spark with the metal blade on the saw and CABOOM your free. 2)Unlocked the door with the piano key. 3)Cut the table in half and put it together to create a hole and hopped through. 4) played some baseball with the bat, but struck out. 5) Hit himself with the bat so hard he got knocked out. 6) Held his breath until he passed out.
One way is that he used a piano key to get out.

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