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Smoke/Fog Machine in Public Building Problem?

How much trouble would our roller rink have to go through to get the smoke detectors removed or deactivated in order to add a regular smoke machine effect to our lighting system? Is it possible to have them replaced with heat activated alarms?


I wouldn't maybe keep it kinda low or put it in another room because my little brother's hamster was near a printer kinda like an alarm and he went crazy so thats what I think
I think a lot of accidents happen because people are not paying attention because they are doing something else or not fully attentive, or because of an object in the road. My husband and I were behind a guy today who wrecked because he wasn't paying attention, drifted over a curb and then overcorrected and got scared, and instead of hitting the brake he slammed the accelerator and spun out. He ended up facing the other direction in a ditch. To prevent accidents, people should: 1. Not talk or text on their cell phones while driving. 2. Not drive when they are tired or on meds, drugs or alcohol. 3. Seat belt their kids so they don't climb all over the car distracting the driver. In addition, construction sites should be clearly marked with road signs, and loose animals should be captured and put where they can't run in the road.
No it wouldn't bother them at all. I have a hamster and my alarm volume is set on 20! Since both hamsters and rats are nocturnal, they are usually awake. Rats seem like fun pets, I hope you enjoy them. My 16th birthday is in exactly two weeks (October 28) and I am getting ferrets! Yes, I agree, woot scorpions. If your alarm scares them than you could always get a radio alarm clock, it is much more soothing. I hope that you have a great birthday!

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