my tires are wearing inside and outside is that hubs or ball joints?
could be ball joints n tied rods replased them take it from there
It's especially typical of under-inflated tires. Check that first. Good Luck to you.
Hi I think it is too low of tire pressure. Too much air , tires ware in the center.
tire wear on both sides is low air in tire 95% of time
Tires are manufactured to have a particular amount of air pressure in them. When the tires are inflated to the correct pressure, the head -on profile of the tire will look like an U, with a flat bottom. This allows all the tire to make contact with the road. By looking at the tread wear, you can get an idea of what may be wrong. Wear on the edges of either side of the tire indicates a toe-in or toe-out (leaning) problem. Wear in the center and not along the edges indicates over inflation - the tire is riding on just the center and not the edges (looks like U). Wear on both sides, but not in the center indicates under inflation (the U with a flat bottom now looks like an arch). This appears to be your problem. Depending upon where you live and how much you drive, it is a good idea to check the tire air pressure at least twice each month.