Hi,There are too many layers of paint on the interior wall of my tiny apt. I see cracks in many places of the apt. What's the best way to fix this problem? In a 414 sqr ft apt, I won't be able to live in it and knock down the dry walls to start over. Is stripping the paint a possibilities?
a Mans house is his castle. laws, outside of murder, child molestation and rape, are not enforcable inside one's abode.
to ground a structure and allow electricity from lightning to harmlessly dissipate into the earth. You would have to try not to find a diagram of one, were you to actually look online, rather than ask at Yahoo.
R1C1 is Excel's relative referencing method in VBA. (R)ow and (C)olumn. The [-6] means 6 rows above the active row, which is row 7. So, that is referring to row 1 or A1 since there is no column indicator after the 'C'. When you record a macro, certain actions are recorded by Excel using the R1C1 style. Try using this instead: Range(A7).Select ActiveCell.Formula TEXT(A1,mm-dd-yy)