I installed watts connectors with Zurn Flex pipe, equipment operating / working fine for more than 3 weeks with 32 lbs of water pressure no leaks. The installation is in a new detached RV garage building with a restroom. I called my city building inspector and he asked to see the installers certification for the Flex pipe. I am a home Owner/Builder.I installed everything and have 10 years experience in copper/metal pipe but I am not a licensed plumber I just do alot of work on personal property, where does a Home Owner-Builder get certificate to install flex pipe( Zurn brand name ) and does a Home Owner ever need to be certificate because of liability installation to their own property
hello my scooter buddy -i own a honda scooter which is a 600 cc it more comfortable than my harley or crocth rocket bike just remeber its not about how big or fast but keep your head on a sweivl and be defense rider if you get one make sure its aleast a 250 cc so you can take it on the free way and run at 70 mph
Wow. This question is perfect for me. My girlfriend has a motor scooter. She decided to take a ride on it with me. I was driving on local streets back from a local juice bar. We weren't wearing helmets (which was very, very stupid). We came around a corner and I saw a dirt pile in the bike lane. I tried to avoid it, but I accidentally pressed the brake on the dirt. We squirreled out and crashed going about 45 mph. I had to get 10 stitches in my face and my ankle got caught under the bike. I had an open wound for a month and a half on my ankle. I now have a $1000 hospital bill even after insurance. If you're going to ride, wear protective clothing and a helmet. Better yet, don't ride.
I drive a 250 CC scooter. I wear a helmet, armoured jacket, gloves, long pants and shoes that cover the ankle. A MSF certified course is a very good idea and so is lots of practice before you take riders. Are they dangerous? They can be, but so can driving a car. You have to be very careful because other drivers tend not to see scooters. I find myself using the horn at least once per ride to get people's attention. You are safer in a car, but riding the bus is even safer yet! I ride because it is fun. There is some risk in all recreation.
fords are very touchy when changing the gas cap because the computer if very sensitive if there is no fumes in the tank for it to burn. the gasket that seals the fuel tank is very important and one that is bad or missing can cause the service engine soon light to come on. why the locking gas cap. most new cars have a valve built into the bottom of the filler neck so they cannot be siphoned
Whether it's a motor scooter or a motorcycle you need the same skills. Accept that riding two wheels is an inherently dangerous pursuit. That said, I love to ride my scooter. The idea is to learn how to ride safely and confidently. Wear protective clothing and use a full face helmet. Take the motorcycle safety course. It'll help. Ride with better riders to emulate good riding habits. There are a lot of new scooter riders out there who don't take their pursuit seriously. You can get hurt at low speed. The scooter is only as safe as its rider, but no matter how safe or how skilled you are riding two wheels is dangerous.Ride safe, Mike el Jefe Vespa Club Los Gatos