Can I weld the copper pipe without doing anything. It‘s thick pipe near coil and i found a leak on the pipe. Instead of calling tech, I wonder if I can buy welding kit from homedepot and weld it.I know exactly where and I don‘t think welding is difficult. It‘s wide open area in the attic. Or is there any epoxy or other stuff I can use?
ITALY ---- FLORENCE OR ROME go there and you will never be the same
Munich - or Cologne or Stuttgart. Germany, certainly.
Dude, first off - you don't weld copper. Coppper is soldered or braised. Second - that coopper pipe has pressurized refrigerant in it! You want to blow up your face? You would need to drain the sytem with a special freon vacuum line (it's illegal to vent refrigerant into the air), and you may possibly be able to mend the pipe with a collar new seam, but this whole job is for someone who knows what the hell their doing. You try to weld in your attic and you will burn your house down!