and whats something that you could use to represent fusion( a model of fusion to develop an understanding of fusion)??
Fusion requires a lot of energy to get started, because you need to overcome the electrostatic repulstion of the positive nuclei wanting to push themselves apart. Once you do that, though, the nuclear forces kick in and the reaction pays you back and then some with lots of extra energy. In the sun, hydrogen gets fused into helium. Eventually, starts fuse the helium into carbon and heavier elements. Really heavy elements are created in supernovae. On earth, we can create a fusion chain reaction in a bomb by using a fission bomb to implode a hydrogen core and get fusion going. We're trying to create sustained fusion by using magnetic fields to contain the hot plasma. This approach is promising, but hasn't yet produced results (keep your fingers crossed).
Okay once upon a time there was a little boy and a little girl.(aka:two nuclei) They lived next door to each other but there was a fence in between their yards.(Also known as the Coulomb barrier) Because the fence was keeping them apart, they needed a way to get together. So they tried running at the same time full force into the fence to fuse. (aka:beam-beam fusion) but that didn't work so well so they tried burning themselves at a temp of 1GK to increase their energy. Unfortunatly not all little girl and boy nuclei increase energy, while burning a 1gk, some are lower.So they didn't fuse that time either. They are SUPER tired by now, and just don't have very much energy left so what will they try next? Quantum Tunneling! They dig under the fence, and since they have just enough energy to do that together, instead of staying on either side of the fence (or repelling) they fall madly in love and become two people with one name like benifer (they join into multiple nuclei, forming a heavier nucleus) That can only happen if they come into direct contact with one another.Then there is a absorption or release of energy depending on the mass involved. I'm sorry for the crappy story, I'm sure you could spruce it up some if you need to! If you need another model you could use bubbles. The way two separate bubbles will either bind and get larger (fusion) or pop and break apart (neg reaction to barrier or the reaction to being close but not touching). Hope this helps!