What are the main equipment in the communication room? What is their function? What does FTTH have to do with the communications engine room?
The core room in the gathering room of the upper, which in addition to the necessary equipment mentioned above and aggregation switches, BRAS equipment, SR equipment, switching equipment, DDF distribution frame, SDH equipment, MSAP equipment, DCN network switches, CR equipment, various equipment, long-distance server, firewall...... Wait for something I didn't talk about.
The middle gathering room in the core room and access room, which in addition to the necessary equipment mentioned above, but also increased the aggregation switches, BRAS equipment, SR equipment, OLT equipment, switching equipment, DDF distribution frame, SDH equipment, MSAP equipment, DCN network switches, access switches, enterprise business equipment Co.
Access to the engine room is in a place close to the user, which in addition to general necessary power equipment, MDF frame and ODF/MODF frame, storage battery, transmission equipment, dynamic environment monitoring is the main DSLAM equipment, OLT equipment and audio equipment, its function is from ordinary users ADSL, FTTH, telephone lines and flow, and then sent to the gathering room.
Communication room is also divided into a variety of, there are access to the computer room, the convergence room, the core room, each room is also very different equipment. The core computer room can also be classified according to the type of equipment. There are transmission room, switching room, data room, power room, long-distance computer room and network management room.Their order from top to bottom is: core computer room - convergence room - access to the computer room - users